Magazine Strip
Oct 18, 2024
Topics of this edition
Get to Know Us
Learn about what drives us towards being THE WAY of how huamn-canine bonds are form.
Learn about the core dog personality types that make up the canine hierarchy and how you can help your dog achieve the Star Canine Status.
BDYU Food Pyramid
Check out the simplified BUDDYÜNO Food Pyramid that will enhance your gut health knowledge.
Troubles & BÖfects
Introducing our new series, Troubles and BÖfects. We will be discussing 1 trouble and 3 solutions for each pillar of the Sovereign Anatomy.
QR Codes
Currently, the BUDDYÜNO mobile app is in the App Development stage. Extensive time and support is being dedicated to the coding development of the application because we want to ensure we lock down the best user experience for our BÖpack.
Nonetheless, start preparing for what is to come because this life-changing experience will arrive before you know it.
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